
Let's Make an eBook Together

I'm trying something new and can't do it without you. At the beginning of the year, I shared my 2012 To Do List and the second item on the list is to write a scrapbooking eBook. I'm not sure if this task will be checked off by the end of the year, but I can certainly get close to the goal by using ^IfMine.

What's ^IfMine, you ask? It's the latest project management tool on the web and I just so happen to be the Social Media Director for it (yay, I got a "real" job). It's so new that as I write this post, the only people using the site is the ^IfMine team and there are only two projects available for public viewing.

One of the projects is called EcoScrapbooking. (Guess who created that one?)

^IfMine Project: EcoScrapbooking

My goal is to create a scrapbooking eBook that focuses on eco-friendly scrapbook layouts. I'm inviting you to join me and submit your projects as well. Once our eBook is finished, we can give it away for free on our blogs.

Do you like this crazy idea? Here's more info:

EcoScrapbooking eBook Description

If you join the project, we'll Evolve (a term used on ^IfMine to mean "edit") this idea together and create a really neat project that will benefit our scrapbooking community.

Want to give ^IfMine a try? Sign up here and become one of the very first users of ^IfMine. (If the site becomes huge, you'll have bragging rights and be able to tell everyone you used it first!) Email me, ecoscrapbooker (at) gmail (dot) com, with any questions and let me know you signed up so I can add you to the project once you're approved for beta testing. ~Danielle


How to Get Started With ^IfMine (my first blog post)