
EcoSpotlight: DIY Laundry Soap for Sensitive Skin

Since I have sensitive skin, I've been using name brand laundry detergent that's supposedly free of dyes and perfumes. No major complaints, except I've always wanted to make my own laundry soap

I browsed an assortment of recipes on Pinterest, but decided to go with a simple combination of products without the added essential oils or Borax in many of the laundry soaps I found. I made a small batch with the help of my girls and started using the laundry soap last week.

Our clothes are clean and softer than they have ever been. Just 4 cups of baking soda, 3 cups of washing soda, plus one bar of finely grated castile soap and you're ready to get washing! I've been using about 2 tablespoons per load and excited to save money over the long haul. ~Danielle
